these past two years, chad and i have not really liked minnesota, especially in the winter. we love our friends and family here, but we were really ready for a change and were hoping to move as soon as i graduated grad school. we started brainstorming our dream city, debating living abroad and started to plan on doing so. but, things happen and i landed a great job here in minneapolis. which lead to our decision that we will be staying in minnesota for at least another two years, if not indefinitely. we were trying so hard to get away, but things kept strongly pulling us back. so we will take it and instead of dreaming of where we should move to, we are gong to refocus and re-fall in love with minnesota. now, this isn't always easy. minnesota has some glorious spring, summer, and fall days, but the winters get rough. but, we are no longer going to let it bother us or complain about it. we are going to embrace it! with our decision to stay here, we are really trying to find all of the good things about winter in minnesota. like playing hockey at the outdoor rink, going on winter walks all bundled up, drinking a lot of tea, getting cozy with a nice book. and it is slowly working. little by little we are falling in love with all of the minnesota seasons. i do have to say, it is pretty nice here :)

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