three things about life lately:
1. we're moving! husband and i have found an adorable little home for us in south minneapolis right by one of our favorite lakes. we are beyond excited to start this next chapter of our lives. currently our living space is very tiny. we essentially live in a studio, which will make packing quite easy since there are so few items. hooray!
2. i am in my last course of graduate school and the end is so, so close. next up is my field experience and then this lady here will be a mph graduate. i'm starting to wonder... what am i going to do with no school?
3. it's chad's birthday week. though the birthday festivities may actually start this week, we have been celebrating all month long. earlier in the month i decided to give chad his birthday present a few weeks early because i could hardly contain myself and was afraid i was going to spill the beans. i am getting extra excited now because now it is officially the week. birthdays are the best.

**new favorite treat, coconut macroons, so simple and delicious!**
what have you been up to lately?
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