instead of trying to race the crowds on black friday, chad and i decided to start a new little tradition of our own called green friday aka christmas tree friday. this year green friday started by waking up friday morning (very well rested after all of that turkey the night before) had a nice morning of drinking coffee and listening to christmas music, before heading out to the tree farm. upon arriving at the farm i was giddy and had a hard time containing my excitement. it has been years since i have had a real christmas tree (about 17 years ago!). chad and i decided because we only have a little place, that we were going to find the perfect, little tree. we figured, little family, little tree. ;)

**down the rows we go, searching for the best tree around!****we were so lucky, this past weekend the weather was perfect in minnesota. it was in the 30s (and no snow, a little odd for being december!) we just had to bundle up in a few layers, but remained warm the entire time! at first i was pretty nervous, thinking that it would be so uncomfortable being outdoors for so long, and even considered bring a thermos of coffee to help warm up ;)**

we got home from spending the morning at the tree farm and placed our tree in our room, so we can make sure we see it as much as possible ;). there truly is something majestic of a christmas tree, or maybe it is just the holiday spirit that is more apparent during this time of year. this spirit makes me so giddy i become child like. i become ecstatic baking christmas cookies and decorating the house. it will be interesting when chad and i have littles because i really don't know who will be more excited about christmas, me or the little ones ;) anyway- our experience of getting our first christmas tree together was so lovely. i hope that chad and i can continue doing "green friday" for the years to come. i love our little family, our little tree, and this little life we live together. (also, there are some more photos of our christmas tree adventure via
instagram if you would like to see them, user names heathermariebee & ckirsebom)
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