1. this weekend was the first one in seven weeks chad and i had been home together. seven weeks! it was nuts. needless to say, the weekend at home, together, was much needed. we started the grand weekend with a date night at home. recently we have had some unexpected expenses (isn't life fun) meaning out budget has gotten a little tighter which equates to less spending. so we have been taking full advantage of doing more date nights at home (something we really should try and do more often anyways). our date night at home usually starts by acknowledging that it will be "date night" on a certain day, a way to "build the anticipation". i'm not really sure if chad feels like that part is important, but i really do think it helps! i get all giddy thinking, "oh it's date night" and because they are so inexpensive, we can have more of them ;). like this weekend, we got to have two dates! friday was the hockey game/sequence date night and sunday was the coffee in bed date. we woke up, turned on some bon iver, and drank coffee in bed, until 11am. it was glorious.

2. my sister, laurel and her boyfriend came home this weekend! i always love when she is around and miss her terribly. but.. i suppose that is apart of growing up right? learning long distance... i just dislike it. anyway- because laurel was in town, my family decided to celebrate thanksgiving early. i made pumpkin cheesecake and ate a whole lot of that. i do love all of the yummy thanksgiving food food, but my soft spot of the thanksgiving meal is the desert. ;)
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